Theresa Kaminski

Theresa Kaminski, an academically trained historian with a Ph.D., published Dr. Mary Walker’s Civil War in June 2020 with Lyons Press. Dr. Walker is the only woman to ever receive the Medal of Honor, and for decades she worked for gender equality, especially women’s suffrage. The book is the most recent culmination of her fascination with ordinary but scrappy women in history, an interest sparked years ago by watching the Masterpiece Theatre drama, A Town Like Alice. Theresa’s interest in telling the stories of little-known American women to illuminate major themes in American history led her to write three books about the American women caught in the Pacific theater during World War II: Prisoners in Paradise (2000), Citizen of Empire (2011), and Angels of the Underground (2015).

She thought she was finished writing about war. But not long after signing a contract with Lyons Press for the first full-length biography of America’s favorite cowgirl, Dale Evans, another Lyons editor approached her to write a book about Mary Walker. The goal, which was met with months to spare, was to have it out in time for the centennial of the Nineteenth Amendment. With Dr. Mary Walker’s Civil War completed, Theresa has returned to the Dale Evans book, which she hopes will be released into a COVID-19-free world.

Theresa continues to seek out stories of scrappy and tenacious American women to provide readers with unusual, fascinating glimpses into under-examined corners of history. In her spare time, she helps moderate the popular Nonfiction Fans group she co-founded on Facebook, streams lots of shows and movies, reads novels, goes for walks, and contemplates playing the piano again. Theresa lives in a small town outside of Madison, Wisconsin, with her husband–and within easy driving distance of her grandson and his parents.

You can also check out her blog on her website and follow her on Twitter @KaminskiTheresa and Instagram @hers_torian.


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